Thibault Trancart’s conferences

The lectures of Thibault Trancart can help your employees to get motivated. Contact UnoMe, the Swiss Speakers’ Bureau to organise it.

When he became blind due to a double cancer of the retina at the age of 14, Thibault Trancart had to face his new life. For him, it was out of the question to be considered as a handicapped person—he wanted to live normally with his difference and fight to turn his plans into reality.

This started with getting a baccalaureate diploma from the International School of Geneva in 2011. Right before he graduated, he had to undergo a serious operation for a brain tumour. Despite this ordeal and his health problems, Thibault Trancart stood strong and took off for Canada to land a bachelor’s degree in management from McGill University in Montreal. At this university, blind and partially sighted people are completely integrated, and receive support from professors and receive tutoring. This allowed him to succeed and to become the first blind graduate from this university. A real success!

But that was not the last of Thibault Trancart’s feats! This big ski lover became completely blind in 2006, and had to learn how to use his other senses to perceive gliding sensations. With the infinite motivation of Thibault, his father trained to become his guide. His father pushed him to surpass himself. The challenge that Thibault is working on now is competing in the 2018 Paralympics skiing competition in Korea.

Languages spoken by the speaker

  • French
  • English

Thibault Trancart hosts your conferences in whole Switzerland and above.

Learn from a blind sportsman

UnoMe proposes that you explore the experience of Thibault Trancart, at a conference, and plunge into his life story that inspires respect. This skier will show that when you are determined and want to grow personally, everything becomes possible. Thibault Trancart also embodies the idea that being different should be considered as a strength, and not as a disability. Even though the path is longer and more demanding, by confronting and overcoming difficulties, you can reach the great heights … and even better, the finish line!

Ses conférences

Individual and collective motivation
Well-being at work

Ice skating and skiing with Thibault

Learning with Thibault

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